P+P Sustainable Fashion Online Event

Woodlands People & Planet would like to invite you to join us online for an introduction to sustainable fashion and how our faith plays a part in our response.

We'll be in conversation with Sam Mabley from sustainable, ethical T-shirt company, Yes Friends, and Flo Neave from Treasure boutique charity shop and community hub, as we explore our motivations and methods of dressing sustainably. 

Why do we need to think about what we wear? Here are just a few reasons:

  • The fashion industry currently accounts for about 10% of global carbon emissions, which is actually more than aviation and shipping industries combined. [1]

  • It's responsible for nearly 20% of the world's wastewater, and accounts for 20-35% of microplastic flowing into the ocean. [2]

  • The amount of clothes purchased has gone up, but the number of times items are worn has gone down, with three out of five fast fashion items ending up in landfill. [3, 4]

  • 1 in 6 of the world's workers are employed in the fashion industry, but very few are paid living wage, and many work in extremely dangerous and exploitative conditions [5]

Our planet, and garment industry workers, pay a high price for our clothing consumption. Come along to this event to discuss this topic further and to get curious about what we can do about it. 

Simply sign up online to attend:

We look forward to seeing you there!


If you’d be interested in finding out more about the Woodlands People + Planet group, or have some feedback about the challenges, connect with us:


[1] https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200310-sustainable-fashion-how-to-buy-clothes-good-for-the-climate

[2] https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/retail/our-insights/state-of-fashion

[3] https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/society/20201208STO93327/the-impact-of-textile-production-and-waste-on-the-environment-infographic 

[4] https://cleanclothes.org/fashions-problems/waste-and-pollution

[5] https://goodonyou.eco/impact-fast-fashion-garment-workers/